Thursday, December 31, 2009

Damselfly (24) - Prodasineura Collaris

Family : Protoneuridae
Common Name : Collared Threadtails
Status : Uncommon
Location : Upper Peirce

There are 4 Proidasineura species in Singapore namely Collaris, Humeralis, Interrupta & Notostigma). The blue marking on the head and thorax of Collaris and Notostigma look similar to me and I have difficulty identifying them. My guess is that this is a Collaris based on the white or blue marking on the tip of its tail. Again, I would appreciate it if someone could confirm it.

(Upper Peirce - 31 Dec 2009)

(Side view close-up - Upper Peirce, 31 Dec 2009)


C.Y. Choong said...

This one should be P. collaris. the blue marking on the thorax of P. collaris is quite distinguishable from P. notostigma. Your these photos did not show well the marking. You should have taking it at higher angel. Anyway, the blue marking on the tail is also a characteristic of collaris.

Anthony Quek said...

Thanks for the confirmation of the ID again. As for your advice, I would take a top down view if I see the species again :D