Family : Gomphidae
Common Name : Forktail
Status : Uncommon
Location : Upper Peirce
This is an uncommon dragonfly spotted at Upper Peirce. My personal experience with hugh forest species is that they are skittish and once they flew off, they disappear and never come back. But this one was an exception. It was quite comfortable with me so long as I maintained a safe distance of about one metre. It would fly away only if I attempted to get closer. But the lucky thing was that it would come back and perch somewhere nearby.
(Upper Peirce - 5 Jun 2010)
As this was my first time seeing this species , I took as many shots as possible to make sure that I got it right. Being a large subject, the main problem was the difficulty of getting an acceptable background. I chose to use a large aperture of f5.6 & f8 for most of my shots.
(Side view)
(Doing stretching exercise)